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[E] Matt [5]
[E] Matt [5]
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over 13 years ago
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over 11 years ago
Yeah, but even with those warps you have to walk quite a ways to build.
over 11 years ago
why did u all infiltrate my suggestion box tho jk 4) Agharta (or Survival as many of us want it called) is quite confusing for new players. Frankly I still don't understand the way a lot of it works. There should be a sign at spawn with warps to places that players could build/
over 11 years ago
I currently am running a very successful Eximius Gaming server, so I'd like to think I know some things about server management. After playing on Agharta lately, I've been thinking of ways to help the server and will post them here as I think of more... 1) It's time to drop the member form - it's an outdated procedure. In fact, I would get rid of the entire guest position in general. Many people want to simply play the game, and that's not a bad thing. 2) Move Classic over to Agharta as a separate world with a separate inventory. There are some older members of the server who are still attached to Classic but feel ostracized from the rest of the server. I think this would join the Classic/Agharta communities together and allow for growth. 3) Change the name from Agharta to Survival. It's too intimidating for new players. That's all for now...
over 11 years ago
i don't think people understand that this is not a debate thread but rather a forum game to guess a date
over 11 years ago